Lena Dunham's Insults by Howard Stern
Posted in celeb, celebrities, criticism, fat, girls, hbo, Howard Stern, insult, Lena Dunham, party, show, top, tvOn a radio rant this week, Howard Stern focused his anger on Lena Dunham, who gets naked and has A LOT of s*x on HBO’s TV show Girls. Of Dunham, Stern said:
“[She's] a little fat girl who kind of looks like Jonah Hill and she keeps taking her clothes off and it kind of feels like a rape…. I don’t want to see that…“She’s such a camera hog that the other characters barely are on. My opinion, if I was a producer on that, I’d say: ‘Honey, you’re a little too close to the project. You need to allow the other characters to breathe a little and let us get invested in them…” “Good for her. It’shard for little fat chicks to getanything going.”Lena Dunham is the young lady who created and stars in the TV show GIRLS. The show is a younger, funnier and more current version of Sex and The City. Lena is the main character and has a very “real” body which she does not mind showing on the show.
On Thursday night, the breakout star Lena Dunham went even farther, calling out Howard Stern'scriticism of the series, saying she'd like his insults on her tombstone.
"I did find out that Howard Stern really hates [Girls], which I'm a Howard Stern fan, and I believe he's earned the right to free speech and he should just go for it," Dunham, 26, prefaced before calling out the radio host, 58, on his untoward comments. "I wanna get it on my gravestone where he said, 'Congrats to her (Dunham). It's so hard for little fat chicks to get anything going these days."The audience erupting in laughter, Dunham told Letterman that the comment put her in the "best mood." Adding to the joke, the Late Show host said into camera,
"I think that's the essence of life's struggle, isn't it? Before you go to bed tonight, before your head hits the pillow, please consider little fat chicks and how hard it is to get things going."